July 01, 2012

Paper: The Open Source DataTurbine Initiative

Our research on: The Open Source DataTurbine Initiative: Empowering the Scientific Community with Streaming Data Middleware was published in The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America.

As stated in the note " DataTurbine is a robust real-time streaming data engine that lets you quickly stream live data from experiments, labs, web cams and even Java-enabled cell phones. It acts as a “black box” to which applications and devices send and receive data. Think of it as express delivery for your data, be it numbers, video, sound or text. For ecological applications, DataTurbine is useful for moving data in near real time from sensors to field stations to data centers. DataTurbine handles time series data over networks with intermittent connectivity. It is vendor-neutral, so it works with sensors and dataloggers from a variety of manufacturers and research labs. "

I worked on this project for the last 3 years as a researcher.

Read the full paper.